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We are proudly presenting you the dedicated company of Surveyor Samudra PT., a private company that working in Marine and Cargo Survey Services which covered area all around Indonesia Ports. The Head Office is located at Jakarta and the Branch Offices is set up at several provinces of Indonesia.

The company has licensed to do it services by Government of Indonesia under the Trade Minister (Departemen Perdagangan RI). As well, registered at Trade and Industry Chambers (KADIN), and Asosiasi Independent Surveyor Indonesia (AISI).

Surveyor Samudra is managed by a professional team who have wide experience in work related to International Shipping Agencies, Ship Owning & Ship Operating Companies, Marine Hull & Cargo Insurance Claims as well as Marine Surveying, Marine Consultancy & Cargo Inspection Services.

To meet customer requisition, our company is supported by Surveyors who are experienced in the field of surveys. They have served on vessels of well-known International, and Local Shipping Companies as well as having several years of experience in the Surveying/Inspection field such as Marine Hull, Cargo and Petroleum Products. The Training, Consulting and Certification for Surveyors are regularly conducted to maintain the power of human resources that we have had.

Supervision is Our Business, the company is established to protect the rights of our Clients and/or Principals with impartial survey conducted in the line of No Conflict of Interest among Parties concerns as reflects on our Terms of Service.

You could browse more about our Services. Please feel free to contact us for your cargo matters. Thanking you for visiting.


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